However, Liu Yuhun did not move to see dozens of troops close to his body, and the blind stick with disorderly knives fell and killed him. He was quick of hand and quick of eye, and suddenly a piece of purple jade was thrown up in his hand, and suddenly the purple light flashed.


Suspended overhead, the thunder seal instrument broke out with the sound of thunder neighing, followed by a series of thunder arcs sticking out like hell, and several minions attacked around them, "killing you as easily as crushing ants."
"Ah ~ ~ ~"
A fierce scream and a series of ups and downs with a few explosions immediately hung up the gang directly.
Liu Yu’s move is to kill people in the form and leave a few black ashes to die.
"This good power … barely."
Liu Yu looked at the Lei Yin multiplier in his hand and appreciated it. However, the thunder released by this thing is much worse than that of ordinary lightning, not to mention that if he personally portrayed the power of Lei Yin array, would it be terrible?
On that day, he didn’t kill Yan Shaohui and others, but he was too lazy to start work.
"Gollum …" Latent three snipers have swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
Is this Liu Nima cheating?
Is this a person? Even fighters didn’t cow force to this extent?
People have not moved a step, just throwing a thing and destroying dozens of people. How can this be played?
"Hum!" Liu Yu cold hum a since kill natural won’t escape.
The snipers seemed to perceive the coolness behind the murderous look.
This guy is not a man. Can a bullet kill him? The idiot fled for his life.
Almost at the same time, the three men reached their wishes and then evacuated their strongholds.
"Want to run?"
Liu Yu’s figure moved in place, leaving a shadow.
The novice has been thoroughly remoulded, not a mortal body, but a first-class means, which goes far beyond the categories of flying over the eaves and climbing over the walls in martial arts novels.
"Poof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"
A blood spattered out of an alley and then burned to ashes by Leili, and the three of them drank their lives.
One step, Liu Yu ran quickly in the other direction. Because he wanted to enter the downtown area, he slowly came out of the dark alley. By the time the sun shone, his head had grown taller than before, and his appearance had changed as handsome as a fallen fairy.
Walking down the street for a while caused many younger sisters to exclaim.
The sniper was very clever, chose a crowded place to hide and escape, and then wanted to take the opportunity to get away.
While walking nervously, he took out his walkie-talkie and reported that "the action failed. The sniper team in the Cang Lang wild team was killed and the sniper team was retreating."
At the moment, everyone in the Liu’s high-level conference room was just busy wishing victory and talking about how Liu Yu died, but as soon as the news of the failure of this operation came back, their eggs were fried before menstruation.
Everyone turned pale.
Wolves, it is said that they have fought with the police several times and have been ranked among the top ten vicious teams in the world, but now they have gone out.
Plus those three killers invited from different countries, one of them has lost contact! !
However, in one second, the sniper also lost contact with this failed reply signal.
There is a pile of black ashes in a hotel room.
The third man managed to escape to the dock and took a yacht that had been prepared for the back road.
Meet the companion, start the yacht quickly, and then rush out toward the vast area before rushing out.
The route they planned was very secret, and the yacht quickly left the dock far enough, and then they turned into a channel bend.
"Gakki failed?" Asked the companion
"Well, I swear to the emperor that man is a monster." Gaji witnessed the magical scene, which was so shocking that he will never forget it.
Chapter 117 Let me talk to you.
"Gakki, you are so tired."
The companion bought a gun and he went to the island together.
This is a secret stronghold in China. It is very hidden and strong enough for some high-level people to take assassinations.
"Ryan, let’s leave China after we finish this preparation." Gaji didn’t want to stay for a minute.
It’s not that he has never assassinated Chinese fighters, but those who were shot and fell like chickens in a pool of blood. These achievements can be said to be unfavorable confidence for them.
But this time, unlike him, the monster can call and control Lei Sheng to kill others and seize their lives.
Even his gun courage … all have no.
Liu Yu solved the second man and then chased him to the dock.
There is a vast ocean in front of the dock. This is a port, and it is a very complicated area for many foreign businessmen to contact.
"Escaped from the sea?"
Escape from the sea may be hard for most people to find again, but their bodies have long been locked by Liu Yuling’s sleep, or they will not leave China … No matter how secret you hide, it is only a matter of time before you die.
"Let you inform the Liu family." Liu Yu is not in a hurry and is not afraid of what the Liu family knows. On the contrary, this person still slaps the past after reporting back.
"Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for successfully getting rid of the siege. This force is very technical. It is rewarded with 5 points for loading force and 1 point for character experience."
Then Liu Yu left the dock, but she didn’t leave there.
Because it is necessary to escape with the help of the sea, not only the first sniper he trampled to death, but also with the help of the sea.
Everything has to be dealt with
At the same time, an ordinary fishing boat with several people playing cards around the table, men and women with various tattoos on their shoulders were almost green like a green vine along their noses.
At this moment, the door was knocked, and everyone immediately became nervous. They quickly took out their pistols and found shelter, and they dormant and reacted like well-trained special forces.

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