Zhuang Fanxin Tian Xingyi is the top three Yuan Yexin who are close to the domain master level in this World War I.


Don’t worry, I’m afraid there aren’t many real experts in front of us who can threaten us. Censen immediately wrote
Well, Yuan Ye nodded and arranged some things properly. This just took Fan Kuai to lock the four masters Bao Wenqian along the river and quickly left the army camp and flew to Hongli territory.
Hongli, the master of the three-star domain, has a vast territory, and even Yuan Ye’s speed is not far from the capital of Fujian until the evening.
A mountain hundreds of miles away from the capital of Fujian Province, six lights flashed in the distance, and a moment later, six figures appeared at the top of the mountain.
There is the capital of Fujian in front. Don’t Hongli has no resistance from the capital of Fujian. These days, I heard that Chunyu is very likely to take care of Hongli. Many people have come to take refuge in the mansion owner, nine planets, whose peak is close to the domain owner. Even if the domain owner is strong, he also takes refuge in him. Bao Wenqian turned his head and looked at Fan Kuai behind him. Except for Tao Yun, the domain owner of Fan Kuai, he is now in the capital of Fujian, and he should be the master in Shura’s heart. There are bound to be many masters. We must be careful and look down at the end of the line
It’s only been a few days since Tao Yun took refuge in Hongli again. Although I can stop him, it’s hard to guarantee that no one will take refuge in Hongli again. If there are too many strong ones now, it’s dangerous for us to go there. Seeing Bao Wenqian look at himself, Fan Kuai sneers at the corners of his mouth. Hongli is a woman who has made a fortune because of you, but you really want to follow Chunyutai, that is, Hongli saw you, and you have to kneel down. Now Chunyutai deliberately doesn’t help you, and no one around you is very taboo. You should also be influenced by Chunyutai
I think your master is equal. What are you, who dare to comment on my affairs? I heard Bao Wenqian’s anger and looked at Yuan Ye to look after your dog.
Signing a soul contract even if Fan Kuai said that he was Yuan Ye’s dog Fan Kuai, he didn’t dare to be dissatisfied.
Hum equal treatment I will hurt you badly and enter that thing. You are also an adult slave, but you are a little more than me. I can help adults when I am fighting. You can also take good care of adults in peacetime. Chapter 1516 Mindu
You are ashamed of Bao Wenqian’s blushing face, and his waist is drawn with a thin sword.
All right, all right, when you see that the two sides are going to fight, Yuan Ye sinks and drinks, but it’s a headache. Rub your temples. You two are going to fight side by side, and you’re going to fight.
Soon Yuan Ye looked at Fan Kuai’s majesty and said that Bao Wenqian is my friend. If you dare to say something too much again, I will never spare you to make amends to her immediately.
Almost immediately, Yuan Ye said that Fan Kuai’s personal body and soul couldn’t help shivering. A fear that I had never felt in my life was almost a conditioned reflex. I immediately knelt down at Yuan Ye and apologized to Bao Wenqian.
Bao Wenqian secretly looked out of the corner of his eye at Yuan Ye, but after seeing it, he was looking at the distant capital of Fujian.
There is nothing strong in the city. It should be easier for us to join this robbery, but what Tom, dick and Harry have gone in? I’m afraid we can’t get Shura easily, and our hearts will be in danger. I think it’s better to be cautious before we start work.
Well, it’s all up to you that the location of Shura’s heart is at the top of the mountain in the middle of Fujian’s capital, which is also the core of Fujian’s capital. The mountain is the most dangerous and inaccessible place, and it’s also the goal of our trip. But don’t worry, there are many hands in Fujian’s capital. When we rob Shura’s heart, I will let my hands attack Fujian’s mountain to create chaos and give us more opportunities to hear Yuan Ye’s words, Bao Wenqian immediately responded.
Ok, let’s send it before it’s too late. Yuan Ye just left the sleeve and left.
Li quietly passed by in one night. When the sky was just a little brighter, a large number of troops suddenly appeared around Minshan, the capital of Fujian Province. With this large number of troops, there was a vigorous whine in the camp around Minshan, which brought an alarm. A howl sounded immediately, which made the big brigade around Minshan feel uneasy. Is it impossible for people to start work on Minshan today?
Oooo, a brand-new sharp hum different from the previous one sounded from the other side, and the mountains suddenly killed. People who saw it all around flooded into Fujian Mountain like ants’ frenzy, and then rushed to the top of the mountain to kill the capital of Fujian.
This army has just rushed into the dense forest of Minshan, and it is suddenly screaming and screaming. Obviously, the people stationed in Minshan have discovered this situation and are ready for the battle. However, the frenzy of the dense attacking army has not stopped at all, and they rushed into the forest with red eyes and then did not dare to go shopping together.
As the two armies fought and exhibited, the two sides rushed into the jungle and slaughtered. Occasionally, the two sides met each other, but it was going to explode a big war.
In this chaotic battlefield, Yuan Ye Bao Wenqian and others are all indifferent to Yuan Ye. Looking at the dense crowd in front, they are directly rushing to the top of the mountain to guard Fujian Mountain. Although there are many strong ones, the mansion owner nine planets has met no less than five people along the way, but fortunately, Yuan Ye doesn’t seem to be famous here, and he hasn’t cast any powerful moves all the way. He hasn’t been hindered by many strong ones.
Around Yuan Ye, Fan Kuai locks along the river, and Bao Wenqian rushes to the top of the mountain like the wind. Although Bao Wenqian’s influence is small, he is weaker in number and strength in the face of guarding the Minshan army. Almost every battle is at a disadvantage, but the battle is to create chaos. Their real goal is to fix the heart at the top of the mountain.
Beauty, your hands are very loyal. After all, they belong to Hongli forces. You want them to attack Minshan without frowning. At the sight of this extremely tragic battlefield, Yuan Ye couldn’t help but look at Bao Wenqian and praised him.
I just said that I want you to help me pass this third level test, and then I will be relaxed. After today, the fourth level test is not far away from me. It seems that success is just around the corner. Bao Wenqian is also very eager to help me not to keep the amount. I hope to get the shura as soon as possible and withdraw from the battle. Although I may leave the Ashura world forever after today, these people follow me and don’t want them to die here.
Ye nodded, Fan Kuai Bao Wenqian, don’t keep it. Give me a rush to the other side. The domain owner Tao Yun hasn’t appeared yet. Others don’t know if they haven’t hidden me. I’ll lock it along the river and stay in the dark. They want mantis to catch cicadas, and we’ll be behind the yellowbird.
Good to hear Yuan Ye command immediately Fan Kuai Bao Wenqian these two belong to Hongli forces. Almost everyone knows that the outbreak of the domain master is close to the domain master, and the terrible quarrelling is directly to overturn the hundreds of people around Fiona Fang.
Fan Kuai Bao Wenqian in front of Yuan Ye and others mixed with other strengths. Generally, the miscellaneous army followed behind, and all the people went straight all the way. It took more than 20 minutes to get close to the top of the mountain. Some eyes swept away, and it was seen that the towering mountain peak was directly cut off by an axe in half, while on that plane, there was a huge Bizong Gate, which was filled with thick fog and fog, and all the cases were covered up.
And outside that door, many strong ones appeared one after another, and then ants surrounded all the doors.
Yuan Ye is there, but it seems that most of the masters are in it. Bao Wenqian immediately said when he saw the door.
The longer we delay, the more unfavorable it will be. Those who say that our world is strong can still become part of our combat power. I want to see what is strong here in Hongli.
Bao Wenqian: What do you mean? Are you afraid to betray Hongli’s adult? Yuan Yeyin just fell into a rage, and it was immediately in the fog that the dense fog around the Zongmen churned. Finally, the figures flashed away and staggered for days, and their eyes were cold. Looking at Yuan Ye and others not far away. Chapter 1517 Attack Fujian Mountain.
Look, Yuan Ye, who is now staying in Fujian Mountain, glanced over his eyes and was a little surprised. I didn’t think there were so many masters hidden here. The leader of all the strong men was a middle-aged man with a cold face and a Chinese robe. Judging from the respectful attitude of the strong men around him, I think he should be the one who stayed in Fujian Mountain before, Tao Yun.
Behind Tao Yun stood five old Yuan Ye’s eyes for a while, because these five people were actually close to the main forces of the domain, but three of them seemed to be barely, or rather a very severe class in the peak of nine planets, the mansion owner, while a bunch of people who were further behind were left behind, and even at least 100 people were so strong that it was quite shocking to put them here.
These strengths, together with Hongli’s sending two teams, are far more powerful than Feng Yun’s. It seems that with the increase in the number of people who take refuge in Hongli, Hongli’s power is also expanding rapidly.
Bao Wenqian didn’t say anything. Fan Kuai caught a glimpse of Tao Yun, but immediately he laughed and said, Tao Yun, you were kicked in the head by a donkey. Then Hongli can really get help from Mrs. Chunyu in the future. That’s for Bao Wenqian’s sake. Now Bao Wenqian will attack Fujian Mountain. That’s Hongli’s complete enemy. If you really marry Mr. Chunyu, don’t help him. It’s very likely that you are still with Hongli. Are you not sick?

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